The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) amended its Constitution and added a Vice President for Scholarship to the Board, as voted by the ASEE Board of Directors in February 2022 and approved by the members in a ballot that took place in April-May 2022. According to the text introducing the ballot to the ASEE members:
"This addition recognizes the importance of scholarly avenues for our members and enables a strategic emphasis on this valuable dimension of ASEE activities. The definition of scholarship has expanded substantially in recent decades to include not only peer-reviewed publication and intellectual property but also multimedia or digital products (video, podcasts, etc.) as well as any future mechanisms of information transfer. The Vice President for Scholarship would steward ASEE's leadership and growth in engineering education scholarship."
TC306's "Time Capsule" report uses the following definition for the Scholarship of Teaching by Borrego et al. (2008): an activity that is public, open to critique and evaluation, and results in products that others can use and build on (it also involves inquiry and investigation, focusing particularly on student learning). This enriched version of educational activities allows for greater recognition and reward attached to teaching (see earlier relevant TC306 news item) by infusing teaching with research practices, thus also paving the way for peer-critiqued and peer-reviewed educational materials.
TC306 invites contributions from the wider geotechnical engineering community to help bring this bright future for Education sooner for Geotechnical Engineering Education.
Borrego, M., R.A. Streveler, R.L. Miller and K.A. Smith (2008). A new paradigm for a new field: Communicating representations of engineering education research, J. of Engineering Education, 97:2:147-162.