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Please I need materials useable for research on geo statistical analysis of soil
Hello everyone, I recently started exploring automations in PLAXIS through python scripting and was wondering if there is any website/communit…
Hello people, do you know any free software available for thermal load calculation of building?
Hi, my name is Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos and I am the site administrator for the Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Forum. I have …
Ok, this one might be a bit obvious but I have trouble understanding it. What is the exact purpose of PLAXIS interfaces and when do we have to use …
Dear All, Last month RPI geowall team which I am honored to supervise submitted our deisgn report for the geowall 2024 competition. after initially…
Hello! I would like to find some good notes on soil mechanics basics along with example problems. Do you have any textbook to recommend?
I have a question related to point movement simulation by load multiplier. i would like to know according to whar the multipier will be assigned to th…
Last answered
17/11/2023 06:32, updated:
15/12/2023 07:22
Lojain Suliman
Hello, Which do you think is the easiest way to model helical piles in PLAXIS 3D?
Greetings, I would like to read more about Structural Engineering from the Geotechnical prespective. Do any one can help with sharing ref…