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Hi I have a simulation performed by plaxis 2013, which collapses and it does not converge properly. I would appreciate it if someone could give me …
I would like to ask the community... What is the best way to model a dynamic loading of a passing railway on an embankment. Any geotechnical engineeri…
Dear Fellow Members, I needed a dataset of soil properties from a single project or a compilation of datasets from different projects for…
Hi everyone, Im involved in some Gas pipeline projects, and I'm looking for good and reliable material related to geotechnical investigation for G…
I am a student currently preparing a dissertation on the above topic. I was hoping to have some opinions from profesionals, or anyone who would like t…
Hi, We have a site near the coast with about 1m of sand on top of sandstone: Class V {c= 35 MPa, ϕ = 29 (1m to 2m deep) and C…
I have worked in cantilever retaining wall design to EC7. I would like to know if coarse-grained ou other granular materials suffer a more a…
I need a Geotechnical professional in the industry who can help me with an internship offer or opportunity either at site or laboratory level. Compens…
Anyone currently working on such initiative? Please contact me if you are interested to participate in mine. Thanks ashmann.com lowcarbon.my …
Last answered
05/06/2020 17:58, updated:
10/09/2023 07:35
Karthik V
Hello , in David Muir's book Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics, I have understood that during undra…