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How do I apply an acceleration-time history in an analysis of a seismic response of a retaining wall using FLAC 2D (geotechnical software)?
Is there anyone with the manuals for the design of tailing dams? I am failing to get the design manuals. My email is [email protected].
What is the correlation of bearing capacity of a soil to the shear strength and penetration test for accurate determinations?
05/08/2017 20:59, updated:
05/08/2017 21:00
Samson Shumba
Hi, does anyody has good references about the behaviour of compacted overconsolidated unsaturated clays? I have done some unconfined compression&nb…
Last answered
06/07/2017 02:32, updated:
11/09/2023 07:54
Yoshi Kin
Hi all! Can anyone please tell me that how to get the moments from stresses from PLAXIS 2D triangular elements (either 6-noded or 15-noded)..Thanks in…
Last answered
02/10/2016 09:30, updated:
11/09/2023 01:04
Atef El saba
Dear all, Hello, I have a question about the parametric assumptions in soil domain modeling and analysis. How can parameters Poisson's …
Do we have to carry out Total Stress analyses for sloep stability along the open cut tunnel for shotcrete works if we have lateral water pressures act…
Hello. How can I start my dissertation?
How can I write my dissertation with subject: Production of building materials and engineering equipment for buildings with zero energy consumption&nb…
Our team will be at WTC 2016. If you are interested in finite element analysis software, in particular with use in the geotechnical/tunnelling f…