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High column loads, Low Bearing Capacity lead to the option of Friction Piles in Foundations.No speck of any rocky strata even upto 20 metres and the p…
This is regarding the use of the shear wave velocity (Vs) to get the shear modulus (G) and hence the initial deformation modulus (Es) of the soil. Thi…
I am Ralph Raymond Pineda, currently a 5th year civil engineering student at the University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, and I am currently doing my t…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:01, updated:
10/09/2023 08:33
Dear Experts, I dont have any expertise in soil mechanics. I am planning to construct a two storied concrete house consisting of 1300 Square feet grou…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:22
Hi All I am doing preliminary design of Contiguous Bored Pile wall for Crossrail project in London.The soil stratum is 1.5-2.0m thick made ground and …
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:22
I had made a design of foundation on clay with allowable bearing capacity of 50kPa and expected load of 50kPa. Now the client has changed the expected…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:22
hi , could any one please help me out in doing review of literature on swelling soil characteristic and the mechanism of swelling and clay minerals...…
Hi I want to make a model footing test on a normally consolidated clay. I will buy blocks of clay ,which are slightly loaded. I know that bearing capa…
20/09/2009 16:30, updated:
12/06/2013 12:43
I'm new here and i can not speak English very good..I'm sorry for this..I want to ask about the rigidity of a footing.How can we measure the rigidity …
01/09/2009 21:55, updated:
12/06/2013 12:43
Dear colleagues, we would like to draw your attention to the Geotechnical Safety Network (see http://geosnet.geoengineer.org) the mission of which is …
11/05/2008 15:34, updated:
12/06/2013 12:43