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Is there any case history regarding the full height panel wall
Can anyone suggest me a software that allows to keep a database of boring logs and be able to generate cross-section from them? Also, I'd like to …
Last answered
15/07/2019 12:39, updated:
11/09/2023 00:11
Ansis Guslens
I am doing UG final year project on Geotech. I have to model soil liquefaction in different soil layers but I am not able to compute it. Kindly if som…
Last answered
10/06/2019 22:14, updated:
09/09/2023 11:19
Paul Bryden
Hello everyone, I have the task of suggesting a suitable ground improvement/reinforcement method for onshore wind turbine foundations with known …
Does anybody know / wants to provide a bigdata base related to the geotechnical/mining or civil engineering field?. The purpouse is to contribute to a…
Last answered
30/11/2018 15:08, updated:
09/09/2023 11:00
Hi. I'm having trouble obtaining a trial version copy of SLIDE software. Are there any good alternative softwares. I need ir for back analysis of …
Last answered
05/08/2018 10:30, updated:
09/09/2023 10:58
Ian Clarke
We have just announced a couple of courses that will take place at our Offices in Delft, the Netherlands in October & November. Both are focused on dy…
i want know about monitoring in geotechnic and how can i start programing or use softwares to catch to this goal?
I would like to introduce RetainWall 2.00, a retaining wall engineering design software. RetainWall is a software mainly designed for the purpose of d…
Last answered
22/01/2018 08:02, updated:
10/09/2023 07:42
Laddie Kuta
what can be done for the prediction of slope failure so that we can predict the landslides?
Last answered
18/10/2017 16:26, updated:
11/09/2023 01:01
Guntha Karthik