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Hello! I was wondering does anyone knows which type of beam formulation (Euler - Bernoulli or Timoshenko) does Plaxis and Geostudio uses. I tried to f…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:30
Johnny Doe
Which is the best fem package for grouting simulation?
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:30
The latest edition, August 2010, of Fine Ltd. E-Newsletter has been published. Read full announcement at:http://www.geoengineer.org/?option=com_…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:31
Does anybody know is there somewhere (for free download) a Manual for "Flac" software. Any literature about FDM is useful, but I can't find anything f…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:31
Hi, Who has experience of working with MSheet module. Which is better - GGU or DelftGeoSystems. Thank you.
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:12
Dear Colleagues, If any has done works on design of junctions at tunnel intersections or intersections of vertical shaft and tunnels in rock along wit…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:31
Hi a new liquefaction program has been released by Novo tech Software ltd. It covers 9 different methods and has more than 50 options for calculations…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:31
Hi Guys, Anybody using cracked version of Slope/w or any similar softwares can please share a copy with me, Regards, Debasis
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:31
Alireza Afkhami
Hi Guys, Anybody using cracked version of Slope/w or any similar softwares can please share a copy with me, Regards, Debasis
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:31
Alireza Afkhami
Hello, I need your help and minutes of your valuable time. My name is Emad, PhD student at Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, UK…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:32