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Site: A landslide site with transportation corridor impacted. Issue: Want to install some kind of instrumentation to locate the slide plane, but high …
31/01/2008 02:46, updated:
12/06/2013 12:43
Hi, It would be of great help if you can let me know difference between MTBF and MTBWSF. AND how to derive MTBWSF from MTBF.
30/01/2008 13:11, updated:
12/06/2013 12:43
Hi Posting any information regarding the standards, code of practices and references regarding technical guides on geotechnical investigation for muni…
Hello, Is basalt a rock which is safe. Meaning that if the land is covered with baslt, it means there is no problem with the soil. If this is the case…
14/11/2006 18:32, updated:
12/06/2013 12:43
Hello friends, I am looking for an information on the "Geo-Engineering Associations" of Europe. There are many "Geological" societies in Europe, howev…
26/10/2006 13:03, updated:
12/06/2013 12:43
Hi. To investigate the friction between concrete and rock in a project insitu direct shear test was performed which consisted of 3 blocks and each blo…
A 60m x55m storage facility with max floor slab loading of 50kN/m^2 to be built. Ground conditions; upper layer 5m of sandy fill material placed in 19…
As tilted, is that any relationship such as formula to convert the N-value to axial strength of the rock? Thanks for help!!!
25/04/2006 07:03, updated:
05/06/2013 13:32
In Cyclic triaxial Testing for estimating the Shear Modulus G = E/2*(1+v). If it is undrained (ASTMD3999) v=0.5. If it is drained case...what is the p…
Dear colleges, I need some information about the geology of North Cyprus. My impresion is (after a quick visit) is that the soil profile consists of s…
14/03/2005 18:13, updated:
12/06/2013 12:43
Ady AdyAdy