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Hi. I'm having trouble obtaining a trial version copy of SLIDE software. Are there any good alternative softwares. I need ir for back analysis of …
Last answered
05/08/2018 10:30, updated:
09/09/2023 10:58
Ian Clarke
Is there anyone know how to find plate capacity in grouted tie back modelling? I want to make a cable bolting modelling. Is it a force of te…
Can anyone please tell me the simplest method to find the swelling potential of soil in the field, in order to know whether the landslide that occurre…
I need different correlations of Permeability ''K'' with other Index properties & Engineering properties etc.
In what condition we only use wiremeshing and shotcrete rather than soil nailing or another active slope protection? Thankyou very much.
Last answered
28/07/2017 13:18, updated:
11/09/2023 01:01
Mohammad Amiri
Kjekstad, O., Lunne, T. and Clausen, C.J.F. (1978). “Comparison Between In-situ Cone Resistance and Laboratory Strength for Overconsolidat…
Join our free webinar on 11 May: http://tnodiana.com/DIANA-Intro-May-2016, we will give you an overview of the workflow and features in DIANA Fi…
Dear all,I have been dealing with processes from Poland and most recently from Russia and I have a question that maybe the experience of some of you w…
Last answered
18/03/2016 20:02, updated:
10/09/2023 08:28
David Nash
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to submit papers for the GeoMEast2017 International Conference [http://www.ge…
Hi everyone - I am happy to announce that abstract submission is now available. Please submit your 200-300 word abstract by March 8, 2016. Submit onli…