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Hello all: I am an Executive Search Consultant with a bunch of gray hair (read experience) and i am blown away by what seems to be a shortage of Civil…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:01, updated:
11/09/2023 01:35
C'mon we have to deal with the fact that our knowledge is pretty limited. Isn't geo-engineering like playing God in some sort of way?
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:01, updated:
11/09/2023 01:36
iAreaCalc is a new simple to use yet powerfull app: (http://itunes.com/apps/iareacalc)What does it do? It allows you to measure areas/perimeters by wa…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:01, updated:
11/09/2023 01:28
I have question about resume, Do I need more than one version of my resume?
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:01, updated:
11/09/2023 01:28
I have question about resume, Do I need more than one version of my resume?
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:01, updated:
11/09/2023 01:28
This may seem trivial to most posting on this site but I have a question in regards to whom I would contact in my area for the following problem. I be…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:42
hi everybody, I am in my last year of civil engineering and off course I have to do a master thesis. Only problem is I can't find any subject for this…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:23
Hi, Who has experience of working with MSheet module. Which is better - GGU or DelftGeoSystems. Thank you.
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:12
I'm ready to start my master in Geotechnical, but I really need a good guidance in which universities apply. I have living in USA for few years. I don
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
11/09/2023 01:23
hello! somebody proposed to me to use dynamic replacement as ground treatment instead of sand replacement + geotextile.Unfortunately i have no experie…
Last answered
28/05/2013 16:59, updated:
11/09/2023 01:12