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I have a question related to point movement simulation by load multiplier. i would like to know according to whar the multipier will be assigned to th…
Last answered
17/11/2023 06:32, updated:
15/12/2023 07:22
Lojain Suliman
Please can someone assist me with GIS water project? It's for academic purposes
I am looking for research, articles and materials about dry stack applied to gold tailings. Does anyone have any to recommend me?
I need a Geotechnical professional in the industry who can help me with an internship offer or opportunity either at site or laboratory level. Compens…
Can anyone suggest me a software that allows to keep a database of boring logs and be able to generate cross-section from them? Also, I'd like to …
Last answered
15/07/2019 12:39, updated:
11/09/2023 00:11
Ansis Guslens
From which laboratory of field test can we reliably derive Poisson's ratio values?
Does anybody know / wants to provide a bigdata base related to the geotechnical/mining or civil engineering field?. The purpouse is to contribute to a…
Last answered
30/11/2018 15:08, updated:
09/09/2023 11:00
-When are we to use Secant modulus and Tangent Modulus?-Please where can I get any help texts or papers on secant and tangent modulus?
please tell me about the equation of rock wedge failure with subsaturated water condition and seismic loading?
Last answered
10/05/2018 20:30, updated:
10/09/2023 07:12
Anyone know how can i get hold of this thesis? Badly needed. Thank you very much.
Last answered
17/03/2018 00:49, updated:
10/09/2023 07:41
Sally Simpson