Geotechnical Business Confidence Index 2018/Q3 results are out! Participate to influence 2018 4th quarter results!

We are pleased to present the results of the Geotechnical Confidence Index (GBCI) for the 3rd quarter of 2018:

Very good business conditions for the next year are reported by GeoWorld members in the United States. Greeks believe the business conditions will show no significant change over the next year. For yet another quarter, worse business conditions are reported by Brazilians and Iranians.

Note: The Geotechnical Business Confidence Index is derived based on the responses of geotechnical engineers (who are members of GeoWorld) on what they expect the business conditions to be in the next 1 year and the next 5 years compared to a “normal” year. The survey is conducted quarterly, and the results are processed separately for each country. The index is the only indicator of geotechnical business conditions globally. A score of 100 indicates that the conditions are expected to be significantly better than a “normal” year, whereas a score of about 50 indicates the business conditions are about the same as a “normal” year. Scores less than 50 indicate bad business conditions.

To participate in the results of the fourth quarter of 2018, please login and fill in the 30-sec survey until the end of December!

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