The Platform

GeoWorld is an international professional network for geoengineering and was jointly created in 2011 by the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and ARGO-E GROUP.

It is an online networking platform functioning as a mean of communication for geotecnical engineers and associated fields.

Our Mission is to create a professional networking tool where everyone involved in the broad field of geoengineering will have the opportunity to benefit from the continuous and interactive communication among colleagues, companies and professional organizations in the field.
Our Vision for GeoWorld is that it will revolutionize the way information is circulated and even generated in the geoengineering field. It will serve as a Platform to promote professional interactions, foster the formation of formal and informal groups, and support innovation in the geoengineering field at a global scale.
ISSMGE and ARGO-E have created a user-friendly platform where you can share your professional information, identify and connect with colleagues, link to technical committees and professional organizations, become associated with companies and form groups to support your professional activities. All at no cost. In addition to all your technical information, you can also update your status or comment on other user’s status, participate to surveys, engage in discussions, ask a question, upload or download videos, photos or files.

Who uses GeoWorld


40,500 registered


1,200+ companies across 155 countries


Student Groups & Alumni

In addition, many distinguished organizations in the geotech field have come to trust GeoWorld and use it to actively promote unique features to their audience:



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Case Histories Journal

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The International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) uses GeoWorld's cyber-infrastructure to support its own website functionality and promotes its news to the broader profession through GeoWorld!
GeoWorld acts as the official collaboration website for the Geo-Institute's annual student Geo-Challenge competition. Student participants can learn about the event rules, engage in discussions and download files. Visit Geo-Challenge group. Several Technical Committees also use GeoWorld. is fully integrated with the GeoWorld engine allowing its users to receive content from and network within GeoWorld, using a single account!
The International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories (IJGCH) relies on GeoWorld’s userbase and functionality to administer its review process, and disseminate its open access content!

Join our community now and explore the infinite opportunities created by the GeoWorld team!