Write your blog or technical content and win a free placement in our next Special USA & Canada Geotechnical Business Directory!

Did you ever feel that if you wrote a blog post, it might go unnoticed? Not on GeoWorld!

Some lucky "geo-bloggers" will see their posts included in the next special issue of the Geotechnical Business Directory which will be distributed for free during Geotechnical Frontiers 2025 at ARGO-Es booth and is expected to reach 150,000+ professionals through various media channels.

GeoWorld's resources section expands blog functionality and enables you to share technical content based on your personal or collaborative technical work (white paper, research paper, other unpublished material) and can even include a digital object identifier (DOI) so that the work can be properly acknowledged or recognized.

What type of content can you share?

The possibilities are endless but the content that you publish can vary from simple opinion posts or announcements, to datasets. Here are a few examples:

  • Promote professional activities and events, such as a call for papers for a conference;
  • Share your opinion on professional experiences, such as industry news, professional experiences, books and articles you read, etc;
  • Post updates on your professional life, such as a change in employment, a search for employment, a publication of a paper, or simply that you plan to attend a specific event;
  • Talk about new content you have created, such as publications, articles, webinars or videos, to attract attention to your work or company, and potentially generate leads;
  • Announce new services, products or events you or your company are offering

Resources Features

  • You can attach various types of files to your articles. Automatically a gallery will be shown for images or videos you upload.
  • You can request to issue DOIs to your research articles. We will be then notifying you about visits to pages of your content
  • You can index your work through geotechnical categories, keywords and geographic locations provided your content is related to a location. We will then promote your content to members of the community that share these interests
  • You can enable/disable commenting on your articles and be notified each time someone comments on your content


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