Advertising in the Business Directory and Geo-Trends

Give your Company an Exclusive Promotional Advantage

40,800+ Geo-Professionals

1,200+ Companies

182 Countries

50,000 people in our promotional channels
A unique publication in the Geotechnical Engineering
Create a custom made ad!
  • Stand out with your own custom-made Ad
  • List in priority when professionals
  • look for companies that match your parameters
  • Get more exposure by listing all your company details and logo and an expanded description
  • Promotion through GeoTrends magazine

To reserve a spot for your ad, use the form below and proceed to make a payment, or if you have any questions contact us.

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What type of ad suits your needs?

Type Online Version (px) Printed Version (cm)
1/8 of a page 150x150 9.5x6.5
1/4 of a page 330x150 9.5x13
1/2 of a page 330x213 19x13
Full Page 728x90 21x29

2000.00 $