BeadedStream LLC

BeadedStream LLC

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BeadedStream designs, manufactures and distributes world-class temperature monitoring solutions for multi-use industrial applications. Our product pipeline offers best-in-class temperature measurement and monitoring solutions allowing you to rapidly deploy digital temperature cables and loggers in the field and then collect, store and analyze your data in the BeadedSteam cloud. We have designed our all-digital temperature cables (DTCs) to be the industry benchmark for field reliability with reinforced Aramid fibers and advanced Polyurethane construction ensuring durability in extreme temperatures. The D405 satellite logger has also become renown for it’s small-foot print, rugged construction and ability to transmit data remotely from any location on the planet to the BeadedStream cloud platform. It all comes together in the BeadedStream cloud. Simply login to the BeadedSteam web application from your browser and all your data is instantly accessible in near real-time. View your data graphically over time, share it with colleagues or download it for distribution or analysis in other software programs. BeadedStream’s products and data platform combined with our friendly and responsive team of engineers makes collecting temperature data fast and efficient for any scale of project. 


3501 postmark drive, Anchorage, AK, 99502 View on map

  • Geotechnical Engineering firms Field testing Ground improvement Other Field testing providers Testing Equipment Manufacturers Site characterization
    Ground improvement

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