Discussion Topic : Call to host the 3rd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics in 2025+

While we prepare ourselves for meeting in Delft in October 2023 for the 3rd International Sympsium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG'23), the Techncal Commitee 308 has made the call for hosting the next International Conference on Energy Geotechnics (ICEGT'25).

The intention is to run the Conference somewhere in the vicinity of 2025, with suggestions to give bidders the option to propose other dates if they see fit. Bidders are encoraged to contact the commitee to discuss any aspects of the organisation.

Please click here to access details of the offical call and submit your bids by 18 September 2023 6:00 pm UCT to:

Kamelia Atefi Monfared (Secretary)

(Cc: Alessio Ferrari aless[email protected] , Guillermo Narsilio [email protected])

Previous editions took place in San Diego, CA, USA ( ICEGT 20-22); and in Kiel, Germany (ICEGT 16), with aruond 100 to 300 delegates from all over the world.

Posted: 03/09/2023 04:37