Discussion Topic : Research Study About Women in Engineering Student Projects


We are Stacey Kulesza and Mojdeh Pajouh. We are faculty in the College of Engineering at Texas State University and the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Together with our colleagues, Drs. Jia Grace Liang from Kansas State University and Richard Evans from Cornell University, we are looking for women students thriving on engineering student project teams (specifically geo-wall in your case) who are taking on leadership roles or have worked on a project team for one or more years who would consider participating in a potentially valuable study, sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

The number of women in engineering programs nationwide remains low. Previous researchers focused on why women do not choose engineering. We provide an alternative research strategy, focusing on why some women choose engineering. The goal of this research is to identify personal and institutional factors that facilitate women who thrive in engineering. Through this research, we hope to create a framework for universities to facility pathways for women to successfully complete their engineering programs.

As a participant in this research, you will be asked to participate in a focus group interview which will last 60-75 minutes. Given the conference/scheduling circumstances, the interview will be conducted either Monday after the competition or Tuesday morning in person and recorded. The interview is subject to informed consent and confidentiality procedures; no personally identifiable information will be used for research report.

We welcome the opportunity to talk with you, and to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for Dr. Kulesza, or [email protected] for Dr. Pajouh so we can know who is interested and find a time that will work the best for our group at Geo-Congress. We appreciate your willingness to participate and/or share our message with your teammates, and we are grateful for your contribution to an effort for change. 



Stacey Kulesza, PhD, PE

College of Science and Engineering

Texas State University



Mojdeh Pajouh, PhD, PE

College of Engineering

University of Nebraska, Lincoln


Posted: 23/03/2023 18:55
Beena Ajmera