Geo-Institute Geoenvironmental Technical Committee

Geo-Institute Geoenvironmental Technical Committee

Members 115
Technical Committee

This is a page for the Geoenvironmental Technical Committee of the ASCE Geo-Institute. Information about the activities of the committee is posted and announced here. Geo-professionals are encouraged to join the group to directly receive these updates.   Technical Committee Chair: Dimitrios Zekkos, University of Michigan

Contact Information
Discussion Topic
Title Posted Description Replies Latest Reply
Invitation to participate in the special issue on Landfill Mining for the Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 09/10/2018 18:04 On behalf of Prof. Sandro Lemos Machado please find below the invitation for participation in a special issue on Landfil… 0 N/A
Environmental Engineering: Lecturer - Professor Available Positions 10/04/2018 18:02 Dear Colleagues, Monash’s Faculty of Engineering is seeking to appoint Geoenvironmental Engineering & Geome… 0 N/A
Invitation to review web-based student projects on "Geoenvironmental Engineering" 03/12/2017 22:16 Dear colleagues, As part of the CEE549 Geoenvironmental Engineering course that I teach this year at the University o… 0 N/A
Call for Abastract for 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics 12/09/2017 12:46 Call for abstract for the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics which will take place in Hangzhou, Chi… 0 N/A
Call for Input: Grand Challenges and Opportunities for Environmental Engineering and Science for the 21st Century 19/03/2017 09:55 The following message may be of interest to the members of that group: Call for Input: Grand Challenges in Environ… 0 N/A
Call for Papers for Special Issue on Geoenvironmental Engineering Case Histories to be published in ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories 05/10/2016 08:20 ISSMGE TC 215 (Environmental Geotechnics) is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for Case Histories in Geoenvironmenta… 0 N/A
Geo-Chicago 2016 Program is now available 16/06/2016 11:31 The GeoChicago2016 program is out and available here:… 0 N/A
Invitation to review web-based class projects on "Geoenvironmental Engineering" prepared by Univ. of Michigan students 28/11/2015 01:48 Dear colleagues, As part of the CEE549 Geoenvironmental Engineering course that I teach this year, 15 graduate and… 0 N/A
2016 Geoenvironmental Conference in Chicago during August 14-18 16/01/2014 05:44 SAVE THE DATE Geo-Chicago 2016: Geoenvironment & Sustainability Specialty Conference August 14-18, 2016 Chicago… 0 N/A
Environmental Geotechnics Congress-7ICEG-Melbourne-Call for abstracts 25/10/2013 10:30 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (7ICEG2014) Update! We are pleased to announce the confirmed … 0 N/A
Invitation to review web-based class projects on "Geoenvironmental Remediation" prepared by Michigan students (for the next two weeks) 21/03/2013 05:19 Dear geoenvironmental professionals, I wanted to invite you to review the class projects on ?Geoenvironmental Remedia… 0 N/A
Geoenvironmental Technical Committee meeting in Geocongress 2013 27/02/2013 22:18 On behalf of the Chairman of Geoenvironmental Technical Committee, Prof. Krishna Reddy: The GEC committee meeting will b… 0 N/A
ISEG 2012 Conference, Los Angeles, CA, June 27-29, 2012 - Call for papers 26/09/2011 23:08 The XI International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology, Energy and Global Sustainable Development will be held in… 2 2012-08-20 23:56:35
Call for Abstracts for the 12th International Environmental Specialty Conference at CSCE 2012, June 6-9, 2012 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 14/09/2011 17:35 Will be held during June 6-9, 2012 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The abstract submission deadline is October 14th, 2011.… 0 N/A

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