The special issue of the International Journal of Geoengineering case Histories promoted by TC103, entitled "Numerical methods in Geomechanics" is on-line!
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List of contents:
- Bekele, B., Song, C. and Lindemann, M. (2021). A Case Study on the Progressive Failure Mechanism of I-180 Slope Using Numerical and Field Observations
- Leelasukseree, C., Pipatpongsa, T., Chaiwan, A. and Mungpayabal, N. (2021). Practical Design, Numerical Analysis and Site Monitoring for Huge Arching Effect during Massive Excavation of Undercut Slope in Open-pit Mine
- Tashiro, M., Kawaida, M., Inagaki, M., Yamada, S. and Noda. T. (2021). Ex-Post Evaluation of Countermeasures Against Residual Settlement of an Ultra-Soft Peaty Ground Due to Test Embankment Loading: A Case Study in Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway in Japan
- Tanenaga, E., Fujisawa, K. and Murakami, A. (2021). Identification of Material Parameters by Particle Filter Using Observation Data Obtained during Construction of Rock-fill Dam
- Parsa-Pajouh, A., Azari, B., Mirlatifi, S., Buys, H. and Cullen, I. (2021). Numerical Analysis of a Top-Down Constructed Deep Basement with Diaphragm Walls in Sydney Barangaroo - A Case Study
- Creten, S., Verbraken, H., François, S. and Bauduin, C. (2021). Design, Construction, and Back-analysis of a Deep Underground Parking Garage in an Urban Environment
- Chan, C.L.C., Chiu, S.M.D., Lo, L.C.F., Kwan, S.H.J., Lee, S.W. and Leung, C.O.A. (2021). Back Analyses of Two Deep Excavations in Hong Kong using Mohr-Coulomb Model with Linear Elasticity and the Hardening Soil Model