Discussion Topic : TC 307 - ISSMGE Sustainability Committee - Status Report 3

Dear TC307,

Greetings! I welcome you to Status Report 3 from TC 307 (June 1, 2021).

1. VU Talks - Please note we already posted our first TC307 talk on the web (https://www.issmge.org/education/recorded-webinars/experiences-in-sustainable-geotechnics). We thank Prof Consoli for contributing his talk to the TC307. 

2. ISSMGE 2022 Conference Updates:

With the April outbreak of COVID in some countries and uncertainty of border restriction, it is most likely the Syndey ICSMGE 2022 conference: A geotechnical discovery down under will be a hybrid conference. Technical papers are due by June 1, 2021. The paper shall be NO LONGER THAN 6 pages and should be submitted in PDF and Word format. Papers will subsequently be reviewed by the relevant Member Societies, and final, updated documents are due by July 30, 2021. Technical Program Committee and the Advisory Committee of Sydney ICSMGE2022 have given the freedom to TC 307 to prepare and present a general technical report in our TC-parallel session.  We are waiting for the confirmation of the two proposed parallel session.  

3. ISSMGE - Time Capsule Survey an update from Dr Olivier Cuisiner

"Recently we invited you to participate in a short survey. As you may know, Technical Committees of the ISSMGE has been asked to succinctly document the development of their area, most conveniently by decades, focussing on major breakthroughs and why that came about, with collateral material (papers etc.) that support their story. As TC307 members, we kindly ask you to complete this survey and to provide sufficient details/references. Your contributions will be used to prepare the TC307 contributions to the ISSMGE time capsule.
This survey is for the TC307 officers only. So far, we have received only four complete answers. We note that many of you have not yet completed the survey.  therefore, we have modified the deadline, and the survey is now opened until June 14, 2021.

The survey is titled: "TC307 - Time capsule survey" 

We strongly encourage all members to submit their responses by June 14, 2021. Thanks in advance!

4. Conferences - CREST 2020 - very well attended and an excellent conference organized by Prof Hemant Hazarika of Kyushu University. We congratulate him on the successful conference.

 5. TC307 Webinars - We plan to organize them in the second half of 2021. Please send your interests directly to us (Mizan, Olivier and Anand). Thanks

Any posts or conference announcements related to TC307 - please send them to us, and do not directly post them. If they are relevant to our committee works, we will post or include them in our next status report. 

Thanks and Best Regards,

A/Prof. Md Mizanur Rahman, Secretary TC307

on behalf of Prof. Anand J. Puppala, Chair TC 307 

Posted: 26/05/2021 02:32