Dear TC307 members,

Greetings! I welcome you to Status Report 4 from TC 307 (December 2021). I hope you and your family are well and the covid situation is not affecting you too much. I am writing you on several agendas that need your attention and/or action from you.

  1. We all are aware that the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering was postponed due to the COVID pandemic, and the new dates have been announced. The conference will now begin on Sunday, May 1, 2022 and conclude on Friday, May 6, 2022. The organising committee informed us that the new dates were selected in consultation with the ISSMGE Board and will not be amended again.
  2. During the ISSMGE conference, TC307 is organising workshop/s, which may accommodate your paper for presentation or may invite you to give a presentation. Therefore, it is essential to know your intention to attend the conference to facilitate the workshop, and I have organised a survey in survey monkey. I strongly encourage you to do the survey even though you are not attending the conference. It will hardly take more than three minutes of your time. Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G2FGC3V
  3. In March this year, Olivier sent you an invitation for a short survey for time capsule project, for which Technical Committees of the ISSMGE have been asked to succinctly document the development of their area, most conveniently by decades, focussing on major breakthroughs and why that came about, with collateral material (papers etc.) that support their story. As TC307 members, I kindly ask you to complete this survey and to provide sufficient details/references. I understand Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering is a relatively newer discipline compared to say, earthquake engineering; however that makes it more exciting for us to contribute. The link for the survey: https://enquetes.univ-lorraine.fr/index.php/323183?token=9OA1vFKVEpwPLT7&lang=en
  4. ISSMGE developed a mobile app, which will update you for TC307 news and all valuable TC news to TC307 members and Geoprofessionals.
  5. Conferences: the next CREST will be held during November 2023 here in Fukuoka. TC 307 will co-sponsor the conference and let us know (email) if you are interested in participating.

Any posts or conference announcements related to TC307 - please send them to us, and do not directly post them. If they are relevant to our committee works, we will post or include them in our next status report. 

Thanks and Best Regards,

Prof. Md Mizanur Rahman, Secretary TC307

Posted: 07/12/2021 00:29