The Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS) and TC106 of ISSMGE hosted the 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils (AP-UNSAT2019) in Nagoya City, the geographical center of Japan. We had 220 participants from seventeen countries and regions, among which the delegations from China (87 participants), Japan (77 participants) and Australia (17 participants) were the top three. The president of JGS, Prof. Jun Otani of Kumamoto University, Japan and the vice president of ISSMGE for Asia, Prof. Eun Chul Shin of Incheon National University, Korea, contributed to the opening ceremony.
During the conference, the Second Asia-Pacific Distinguished Lecture on Unsaturated Soils was given by Prof. Daichao Sheng of UTS, Australia (see image) and nine keynote speakers, among whom three were from Japan, one from Korea, one from Australia, one from China, one from France, one from US and one from Singapore. The participants presented 156 papers, among which 95 were full-length paper and 61 were extended abstracts. All the full-length papers are now published on the following website: