
Mr. Peter Lyle Davies

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Professional Information

Principal - PeterD and Associates

  • Other


  • Geosynthetics for Containment Geosynthetics for Flow Geosynthetics for Reinforcement

  • MSc or Equivalent
    • QBE - The International School of Hard Knocks : 01/01/1966 - 20/05/2023

  • Honorary Technical Advisor Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA), 2014
  • Honorary Life Member Geosynthetics Interest Group of South Africa (GIGSA), 2009

  • PeterD and Associates : ( 01/01/2112 - Present )
    • Principal

    • Consultant on geosynthetics applications, and in particular, design reviews on designs incorporating geosynthetics,
      * A Geosynthetics professional, consulting in geosynthetic applications in a private capacity. In 2019, will have been involved in Geotechnical Engineering and Geosynthetics for over 50 years.
      * A Senior Fellow of, and has served two-year terms each, as National Secretary, Vice President and President of the South African Institute of Waste Management (IWMSA). Now serves as Honorary Technical Advisor to the Institute.
      * Has represented the Institute on a number of waste-related initiatives, including the South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry's steering committee for Minimum Requirements for Waste Management Facilities. In this function served on the Project Steering Committee and the Specialist Working Group engaged in landfill design, in particular in updating the section on Geosynthetic Clay Liners.
      * Member of the IWMSA KZ-N Branch Landfill Interest Group (LIG) and has served as its Chairman.
      * Honorary life member, and has been Vice-President & newsletter editor of GIGSA, the Geosynthetics Interest Group of South Africa, affiliated to the South African Institution of Civil Engineers and which is the local chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS).
      *Has authored and co-authored many peer-reviewed technical papers on a wide range of geosynthetics, presented at a number of South African and international conferences.
  • Kaytech Engineered Fabric : ( 03/03/1997 - 31/12/2011 )
    • Senior Consultant: Geosynthetic Applications

    • Peter is a semi-retired geosynthetics professional at Kaytech Engineered Fabrics, retained as a Consultant on geosynthetic applications, where his principal brief is educating specifiers and other clients on the benefits of geosynthetics in the built environment. Peter now also consults on geosynthetic applications in a private capacity. In 2017, he will have been involved in Geotechnical Engineering and Geosynthetics for over 50 years. Contact him at [email protected]
      *Is a Senior Fellow of, and has served two-year terms each, as National Secretary, Vice President and President of the South African Institute of Waste Management (IWMSA). He now serves as Technical Advisor to the Institute.
      * Has represented the Institute on a number of waste-related initiatives, including the South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry's steering committee for Minimum Requirements for Waste Management Facilities. In this function he served on the Project Steering Committee and the Specialist Working Group engaged in landfill design, in particular in updating the section on Geosynthetic Clay Liners.
      * Is a member of the IWMSA KZ-N Branch Landfill Interest Group (LIG) and has served as its Chairman.
      * Is an honorary life member, has been the Vice-President & newsletter editor of GIGSA, the Geosynthetics Interest Group of South Africa, affiliated to the South African Institution of Civil Engineers and which is the local chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS).
      *Has authored and co-authored many peer-reviewed technical papers on a wide range of geosynthetics, presented at a number of South African and international conferences.

      He has been married to Janet since 1970. They have two children, Peter (1970) and Genevieve (1972) and two granddaughters.

      * Consulting on Geosynthetic application and design.
      * Educating others on the above.
      * Public Speaking.
      * Civic duties and responsibilities

Language Read Level Written Level Spoken Level
English High High High
Afrikaans High High High

  • Use and abuse of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) in South Africa
    Book Chapter published 2021 Dec 20 in Clay Geosynthetic Barriers on pages 21 to 29
    Authors: P.L. Davies, K.R. Legge

Contact Information

Bothas Hill, Durban, South Africa View on map




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Use and abuse of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) in South Africa
Book Chapter published 2021 Dec 20 in Clay Geosynthetic Barriers on pages 21 to 29
Authors: P.L. Davies, K.R. Legge

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