Mike has maintained an independent consultancy for much of his career. He utilizes state-of-the-art tools and knowledge to solve problems of engineers, builders and owners of major heavy-construction projects. Ideally, these services are provided from the outset of a major project, but all to often he is called in to troubleshoot unforeseen conditions or disputes between project stakeholders.
He founded InSituTech, the San Francisco Bay Area firm that specialized in applications of the Pile Driving Analyzer, Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT), and other in situ testing methods. Other work has included vibration and noise monitoring and ground/structure instrumentation applications. Forensic services were needed on a number of projects where conflicts between parties arose. He is adept at finding engineering and construction solutions that resolve problems and avoid contract disputes. Expert advice and testimony have also been applied in the investigating foundation failures, addressing design/construction issues in dispute, and assessing the safety of earthen structures.
Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) technology used to investigate foundation constructability issues and confirm that foundation performance criteria are met without jeopardizing structural integrity.
Insitu, laboratory and field test results allow thorough evaluation of the geotechnical design and foundation construction concerns.
Effective instrumentation monitoring programs are applied to assess behavior of the facilities being built, and to mitigate disturbance of the neighbors.
Remedial strategies to help stakeholders resolve conflicting issues, enabling the project teams to achieve their objectives as designed/bid. He has provided expert consultation, forensic investigation and courtroom testimony in support of owners and builders across the US and overseas.