Plaxis dynamic loading simulation
Hi everyone I am trying to model a moving vibratory roller on a two layers soil (this sand layer on top of semi infinite layer), I am modelling the top layer with soil hardening, and the lower one with mohr columb. my problem is that I tend to get crazy results when i decrease the top layer's depth from 40 to 60 cm, the soil tends to move upwards instead of deforming downwards, and I'm using dynamic calculation with frequency of 30Hz, and force of 113kN , Im using an elastic plate to simulate the roller, and a static line load A to simulate the weight or static load of roller, together with dynamic load system B in order to represent the harmonic load generated from the the roller. and it seems impossible to simulate the moving behavior of the roller in Plaxis 2D version 8. I would really appreciate it if anyone can advise me on this problem Many thanks Rouzbeh