saturation ratio

Hello all

Assume a Soil with the following properties that obtained from laboratory tests: 


Unified Classification= CL

Wet density= 2.27 g/cm3

Moisture Content= 36 %

Gs = 2.68


the degree of saturation is calculated: 

e = (1+0.36)*2.68/2.27 – 1 = 0.61

Sr = Gs*w/e = (2.68*0.36/0.61)*100 = 158 %


As you can see it's out of 100%. Is It Possible?!


There are some tests that show saturation ratios more than 100%. After repeating tests carefully with oven drying in 60°C, results hasn't changed and saturation ratios were over 100 % too. There aren't any burning substances in soil because in 60°C burning doesn't occur and doesn't seem soil has any organic content. Chemical tests show high chloride contest in soil (2000 to 4000 ppm). Soil was to some extent collapsible because collapsibility index obtained by ASTM D5333 is about 7%. Crumb tests show moderate dispersivity potential.

I know by definition Sr = V(water)/V(void) and always is ≤ 100%


Soil Mechanics / Geotechnical Analysis Geotechnical Investigations & In-Situ Testing