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Evaluation of Groundnut Shell Ash (GSA) as a Sustainable Material for Soil Stabilization in Construction.How can this be done and what the proced…
20/11/2024 19:55, updated:
20/11/2024 20:00
hello guys i'm trying to simulate a cubic frame with circular bars with 2 cm diameter and after that i want to raped this cubic frame with geotex…
Please ,My name is Elvis Jojo Kwaw a student of the Cape Coast Technical University for the Civil engineering department and I need a project topic to…
I am looking for PVD, Wick drain Manufacturer in IndiaAny references
Please what is the effect of spreading sharp sand in a house foundation before pouring your concrete or before blinding ?
Please can someone assist me with GIS water project? It's for academic purposes
Dear colleagues I have encountered a problem in modeling a sand bed with a granular cushion on it in Plaxis 2D V20 using the unit cell approac…
Im looking for good papers/researchs related with the use of "Slag" material on road construction. If anyone has experienc…
Hello! I have intermediate knowledge of Python and have mostly used Python for Data Science. I would like to know how can I utilize Python in …
Last answered
11/02/2021 07:44, updated:
09/09/2023 10:55
Eric Woon
How to find the JGP grouting pressure (600 bar) impact on the existing pipe in Plaxis 2D.