2D and 3D Analysis of Retaining Systems Free on Demand Webinar

Bentley Systems
Published: 20 July 2022

Retaining systems are an essential part of any substructure construction. Just as vital is the confidence that they will be safe and stay safe at every point in their life. PLAXIS offers the rare ability to analyze not only a wide variety of retaining systems but do so across every phase of their life cycles, helping to isolate the weakest phases and in turn make structures safer and projects more stable. 

The below step-by-step on demand webinar takes four real world examples a submerged excavation, dry excavation, an excavation in sand, and a diaphragm wall and demonstrates how PLAXIS 2D and 3D can deliver detailed stability analysis in each instance, from the simplest to the most complex scenarios.

Watch on Demand Webinar


Deep Excavations, Retaining Walls, Slope Stability Analysis




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