Published: 11 December 2015
Public Beta Release of
SVOFFICE™5: SVSOILS™ - Knowledge-based Database System for Saturated/Unsaturated Soil Properties
SVSOILS™ (formerly known as SoilVision®) is the world's premier product for estimating the hydraulic properties for flow modeling in unsaturated soils. Our database contains data on over 6,200 soil-water characteristic curves and provides numerous theoretical methods of estimating the soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) or the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity curve. Constitutive models can be developed for soils with little volume change or soft clays/tailings with high volume change characteristic.
This seventh beta release of a package from the new SVOFFICE™5 suite of geotechnical and geoenvironmental software products, introduces a brand new application that will replace our popular SoilVision® product. This innovative application has been completely rewritten, redesigned and reinvigorated. It features a modern codebase, an entirely new charting engine and a simplified user interface that significantly speeds up workflow and makes it very easy to use. It has been tightly integrated into the new SVOFFICE™5 product suite.
The SVSOILS™ software is designed specifically for the estimation and mathematical representation of soil constitutive models for subsequent numerical modeling. It still supports the features which made its predecessor SoilVision® popular such as:
- searchable database of over 6,200 soils,
- estimation of SWCC,
- estimation of saturated/unsaturated hydraulic conductivity,
- import unsaturated constitutive model into SVFLUX™ for unsaturated seepage modeling, and
- calculate volume-mass properties of an air-water-soil mixture using any 3 measured properties.
In addition to these already strong features the following improvements are noted:
- Redesigned Simple User Interface: Now easier to use and more capable than ever.
- Significant Increase in Available Estimation Methods: Users can now estimate SWCC by 9 methods, saturated hydraulic conductivity by 15 methods, and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity by 10 methods.
- Calculate Independent Volume-Mass Properties of an Oil-Sand Material Including Bitumen
- Fit and Estimate Properties for Consolidation Modeling
- Automatic Soil Classification
- Improved Charting: High quality, exportable charts.
- New SVOFFICE™5 Manager: the project manager dialog has been redesigned to greatly simplify its usage.
The premier product on the market for estimating the hydraulic properties for flow modeling in unsaturated soils has continued to evolve and strengthen based on close interaction with our customers. We would welcome you to review our work with the beta version.
Applications to beta-test the software may be found here!
Data Management
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