Discussion Topic : Online "iDisaster" Series lecture

报告题目:Geotechnical spatial variability:what is it?how to model it?how to identify it?how does it affect performances of engineeringstructures?


报告地点:腾讯会议ID:466 928 686






Dr.Ching is Distinguisbed Professor in the Dept.ofCivil Engineerins at Taiwan University.He graduated from Taiwan University(BS 1993 and MS 1995),obtained the PhD degree in 2002 in University of California at Berkeley,and was a postdoctoral fellow in Califormia Institute of Technoloygy(2002-2004).From 2004 to 2008.he was affiliated with Taiwan University of Science and Technology(assistant professor&associate professor).Starting from 2008 till now,he is affiliated with Taiwan University associate professor & professor).He was elected as Distinguished Professor in 2016.

Dr. Ching's main research interests are geotechnical reliability analysis & reliability-based design,basic uncertainties in soil properties,random fields

&spatial variability,reliability-based geotechnical design codes,and probabilistic site characterization. He is the author or co-author of more than 100 publications in interactional journals.

Dr.Ching is a member of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering(ISSMGE),a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE),and a member of International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability(LASSAR).He is now Chair of TC304(risk) in ISSMGE and Chair of Geotechnical Safety Network(GEOSNet).

Dr.Ching is now Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Geo Engineering,Managing Editor of Georisk,Associate Editor of Canadian Geotechnical Journal & Editorial Board Member of Structural Safety.

Posted: 17/11/2020 16:58