Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management (TC304)

Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management (TC304)

Members 1407
Technical Committee

TC Chair: Michael Hicks

Host Member Society: CTGS

Short name: Risk (TC304)


GeoWorld Group: Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management (TC304)


State-of-the-art review of inherent variability and uncertainty in geotechnical properties and models 

Click here to download the report.


TC304 contribution on “Are we overdesigning? – A survey of international practice” 

Click here to download the report.


304dB – publically-available databases compiled by TC304

  • CPT databases

  • Multivariate soil/rock property databases

  • Geospatial databases

Click here to go to the download webpage.


TC304 Wikipedia pages for Geotechnical Variability

Click here to go to the Wikipedia pages. All members are welcome to edit the content.

Create your Wiki account:

·         Guidelines:


TC304 Machine Learning Reference List

Click here to go to the reference list page.

Note: PART III: APPLICATIONS IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING is open to TC304 members for updates. Please send updates to Zijun Cao ([email protected]) (Download update form).


TC304 Student Contest on Data Analytics

TC304 regularly holds TC304 Student Contest on Data Analytics in conferences. The purpose of this event is to encourage students to learn statistical and probabilistic methods (e.g., machine learning) and implement them in geotechnical data. First, a contest question is given to all participants, and participants are asked to address the contest question and present their works in the conferences. Depending on how this contest question is addressed, one TC304 Student Contest Award and several encouragement awards will be given.

Click here to go to the details.


Contact Information


Discussion Topic
Title Posted Description Replies Latest Reply
New TC304 Course on “Probability Analysis in Civil Engineering” by Dr. Jie Zhang 26/10/2021 14:00 Register for free to Probability Analysis in Civil Engineering About the course: Uncertainties … 0 N/A
Special Issue on Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management by ISSMGE TC304 published 25/10/2021 12:57 We are pleased to announce the Special Issue #4 of Volume #6 of the International Journal of Geoengine… 0 N/A
15-min short videos coordinated by TC304 Young Group (Andy Leung, Zijun Cao & Lei Wang) 10/08/2021 14:47 TC304 has contributed the following 15-min short videos to ISSMGE Virtual University (coordinated by T… 0 N/A
New TC304 Lecture "How to Perform Reliability Analyses on a Spreadsheet " by Dr. Lei Wang 04/08/2021 12:31 Watch Lecture on ISSMGE Virtual University How to Perform Reliability Analyses on a Spreadsheet - P… 0 N/A
Abstract submission for Special Issue on Case Histories of Geotechnical Risk Assessment and Management in Engineering Practice – deadline has been extended until July 17 03/07/2020 11:27 Kindly note that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended and interested authors can… 0 N/A
First TC304 Student Contest (Harbin, China) 27/08/2018 12:13 The First TC304 Student Contest has been held on August 18 2018 in Harbin, China. The outcomes of this… 0 N/A
TC304 Student Contest on Data Analytics Applied to 304dB 22/04/2018 13:12 The TC304 Student Contest on Data Analytics Applied to TC304dB is going to be held at Harbin, China du… 0 N/A
TC304 lauches the TC304 databases (304dB) Efforts 06/01/2018 21:07 One of the key findings of the 2017 ISSMGE 2017 SOA/SOP Survey is that publically-available databases that… 0 N/A
Joint TC205/TC304 discussion group reports/chapters (free download) 25/10/2017 07:09 Joint TC205/TC304 discussion group workshop The workshop was successfully conducted on 20 Sep 2017, Hal… 0 N/A
TC304 survey questions to support project on “Creation and distribution of a global survey on the state of the art versus state of practice in the varied fields of geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering 11/01/2017 06:49 International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) Global survey on the state of the ar… 0 N/A
Keynote lectures 11/01/2017 06:33 Keynote lectures 1. Huang HW, "An Integrated Risk Sensing System for Geostructural Safety", 1st International Sympo… 0 N/A
Risk and Geotechnical Engineering 06/02/2013 20:21 ISSMGE has posted on its website a recorded webinar by Zenon Medina-Cetina and Marco Uzielli on the topic "Risk and Geot… 1 2013-02-13 15:24:27

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