TC Chair: Michael Hicks
Host Member Society: CTGS
Short name: Risk (TC304)
GeoWorld Group: Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management (TC304)
State-of-the-art review of inherent variability and uncertainty in geotechnical properties and models
Click here to download the report.
TC304 contribution on “Are we overdesigning? – A survey of international practice”
Click here to download the report.
304dB – publically-available databases compiled by TC304
- CPT databases
- Multivariate soil/rock property databases
- Geospatial databases
Click here to go to the download webpage.
TC304 Wikipedia pages for Geotechnical Variability
Click here to go to the Wikipedia pages. All members are welcome to edit the content.
Create your Wiki account:
· Guidelines:
TC304 Machine Learning Reference List
Click here to go to the reference list page.
Note: PART III: APPLICATIONS IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING is open to TC304 members for updates. Please send updates to Zijun Cao ([email protected]) (Download update form).
TC304 Student Contest on Data Analytics
TC304 regularly holds TC304 Student Contest on Data Analytics in conferences. The purpose of this event is to encourage students to learn statistical and probabilistic methods (e.g., machine learning) and implement them in geotechnical data. First, a contest question is given to all participants, and participants are asked to address the contest question and present their works in the conferences. Depending on how this contest question is addressed, one TC304 Student Contest Award and several encouragement awards will be given.
Click here to go to the details.