Celebrating the International Day of Education: the role of Geo-engineering education |
24/01/2025 10:11 |
On the occasion of the International Day of Education, January 24, the Technical Committee 306 on Geo-… |
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January 16 Webinar by Prof. Valocchi on Groundwater & Transport Interactive Models |
09/01/2025 10:10 |
On Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 15:00 UTC, Professor Albert Valocchi will talk about "User-Friendly … |
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Geotechnical Engineering Education 2025 (GEE2025) Conference: Extended Abstract Deadline Is Tomorrow! |
14/10/2024 07:56 |
You still have one day to submit your abstract to GEE 2025 until tomorrow, October 15, 2024!
Pl… |
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One week left – Submit your abstract to the 6th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Education 2025 (GEE2025) |
08/10/2024 06:11 |
There is still one week to submit your abstract to GEE 2025 until October 15, 2024.
Please note… |
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Extension of Abstarct Submission Deadline for the 6th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Education 2025 (GEE2025) |
02/09/2024 11:17 |
The abstract submission deadline for GEE 2025 is extended to October 15, 2024.
Please note that… |
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ISSMGE Interactive Technical Talk Episode 18: Geo-engineering Education (TC306) |
19/06/2024 07:12 |
The eighteenth episode of International Interactive Technical Talk has just been launched and is suppo… |
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International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Education 2025 (GEE2025) |
24/05/2024 10:25 |
The Conference Geotechnical Engineering Education 2025 (GEE 2025): Charting the path toward the fu… |
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Treat yourself to 12 hours of "Learning how to learn" |
05/02/2024 05:43 |
Learning how to learn is a Coursera Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and one of the most popular MOOC… |
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06/09/2023 09:23 |
The attached file is a summary of the paper accompanying the 3rd Blight Honor Lecture delivered by Alo… |
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Teaching material samples for Environmental Geotechnics: The collection is growing! |
07/06/2023 09:31 |
In the context of the collaboration between TC215 (Environmental Geotechnics), which organizes the 9th… |
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Invitation to participate in continuing TC106 (Unsaturated Soils) - TC306 interactions |
24/04/2023 08:21 |
At the PanAm UNSAT 2021 preconference webinar "Teaching unsaturated soil mechanics at the undergraduat… |
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24/10/2022 17:42 |
The ISSMGE and the Technical Committee TC306 on Geo-engineering Education have establi… |
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Waldemar Coelho Hachich (1950-2022) |
16/09/2022 16:52 |
TC306 will miss dearly Waldemar Coelho Hachich, Professor of Geotechnical and Structural Enginee… |
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Sample self-reporting message "I am proud of..." |
16/09/2022 12:57 |
I have also uploaded this post as a file through the "link" option given by GeoWorld, because it is long for a… |
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Self-report on pieces of our work we are proud of |
14/09/2022 10:54 |
"If you don't praise your house, it will tumble down on you" (Greek proverb). In its last group meeting… |
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Second TC306 Geotechnical Engineering Education post |
30/06/2022 14:08 |
A new GEE post (GEE = Geotechnical Engineering Education) has been uploaded on TC306's website (m… |
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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Formally recognized by ASEE |
26/05/2022 13:15 |
The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) amended its Constitution and added a Vice Presid… |
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Geotechnical Engineering Education “Time Capsule” Report |
28/04/2022 11:43 |
The contribution of TC306 to the Time Capsule Project has been uploaded under the tab "Reports" of the… |
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First TC306 Geotechnical Engineering Education post |
21/02/2022 11:34 |
TC306 implemented a new "corner" of its website (a new menu on the left, called GEE posts), devot… |
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TC 105 Webinars with Education Focus |
20/01/2022 16:28 |
Technical Committee TC105, Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, organizes five seminars on "Discrete Elem… |
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TC306’s GEE conferences indexed in Scopus |
24/12/2021 12:02 |
We are delighted to announce an important distinction for the community of geotechnical engineering ed… |
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Webinar: Teaching unsaturated soil mechanics at the undergraduate level |
21/06/2021 18:58 |
The webinar will focus on undergraduate unsaturated soil mechanics teaching, with world-class speciali… |
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03/12/2020 20:37 |
Here’s a compilation of educational material that starts with the question “how can I moti… |
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2021-05-10 18:01:23 |
Task Force: Pedagogical Knowledge of Geotechnical Engineering |
10/05/2021 14:41 |
Most ISSMGE Technical Committees are dedicated to specialized topics within Geotechnical Engineering. … |
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Webinar by Prof. Marina Pantazidou: Teaching Environmental Geotechnics, Behind the Scenes (April 2, 2021) |
28/03/2021 12:55 |
Prof. Marina Pantazidou, Chair ot TC306, will deliver a Geoenvironmental Engineering Webinar, who… |
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2021-03-28 13:02:56 |
TC306 launches Educational Video “What happens when soil compresses”, using best instructional practices |
09/02/2021 12:46 |
TC306 and its Chair Prof. Marina Pantazidou are pleased to launch an educational video on “What … |
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Geo-Congress 2022 includes Special Topic on Geo-Education |
24/01/2021 16:14 |
The 2022 Geo-Congress (the annual conference of ASCE's Geo-Institute) in Charlotte, North Carolina, US… |
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Presentations on Online Teaching - Online Labs |
28/07/2020 18:28 |
A good collection of presentations on online teaching especially during but also before the pandemic: Ready, Set, Remote… |
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2020-07-28 20:56:50 |
GEE 2020 teaser video |
23/06/2020 11:07 |
GEE 2020, the International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Education … |
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Attend GEE 2020 on June 23-25: 3 days (from 50 euros) or partially (for no fee) |
19/06/2020 19:42 |
The Int. Soc. for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and its Technical Committee… |
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International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Education (GEE 2020) ONLINE, June 23-25, 2020 |
02/06/2020 14:17 |
Following the unprecedented changes in our personal and professional lives due to Covid-19 and after c… |
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International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Education 2020 (GEE2020) |
17/01/2020 20:17 |
The Conference Geotechnical Engineering Education 2020 (GEE2020) will be held in Athens, Greece, on Ju… |
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2020-03-23 16:07:34 |
GEE 2020: Abstract submission deadline is extended - New date: May 31, 2019 |
21/05/2019 11:52 |
From the GEE 2020 Vol2 - May 2019 newsletter: Abstract submission deadline is extended! New date:… |
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A vision for TC306 in Lee Shulman's words: Putting an End to Pedagogical Solitude |
08/03/2019 14:35 |
The following is a synthesis of excerpts from a short article by Lee Shulman that conforms to the 200 … |
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International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Education - GEE 2020 |
14/12/2018 21:53 |
TC306 organizes the 5th conference of the series, on June 24-25, 2020, in Athens. Check it out: www.gee2020.org |
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2018-12-16 19:02:40 |
Case-study webinar by Prof. Carlo Viggiani (October 2018) |
30/10/2018 19:19 |
Porto Tolle test embankment - A full scale experiment on the consolidation of a thick clay layer Case-study webinar by … |
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Bare Essentials of Soil Mechanics by John Burland – a brief review |
30/04/2018 17:55 |
Professor John Burland has developed a suite of five short videos (2 to 6 minutes) on the engineering … |
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EUCEET 2018 - 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering Education: Challenges for the Third Millennium |
21/12/2017 14:18 |
Barcelona EUCEET 2018 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering Education: Challenges for the Third Millennium … |
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TC306 workshop 19th ICSMGE Seoul |
23/11/2017 20:21 |
Workshop Theme
GeoEngineering Education: What should graduates be able to do & What and How to teach to … |
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First John Burland Lecture delivered |
14/01/2017 22:22 |
First John Burland Lecture: "Basic Geotechnical Engineering Skills - What Can Graduates Do?" Delivered by Prof. John Atk… |
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Case Histories Journal Publishes Special Case Histories on Geotechnical Engineering Instruction |
30/11/2016 19:27 |
The International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories, an official Journal of the International Societ… |
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ISSMGE's "Introduction to Cone Penetration Testing" webinar has been launched! |
02/02/2015 17:02 |
ISSMGE has just launched a new webinar, called "Introduction to Cone Penetration Testing" by Professor Peter Robertson. … |
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IJGCH's special issue on case studies suitable for geotechnical engineering instruction: Call for papers! |
10/12/2014 13:46 |
ISSMGE's International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories is calling for papers for its special issue with the the… |
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research interests in Geo-engineering education |
15/03/2012 23:06 |
Dear group menbers, I am thinking of a Ph D study, like to seek members' helps in suggesting research topics in this are… |
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