Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro (TC105)

Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro (TC105)

Members 1656
Technical Committee

TC Chair: Kenichi Soga

Host Member Society: USA

Short name: Geo-mechanics (TC105)

GeoWorld GroupGeo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro (TC105)

Contact Information

United States

Discussion Topic
Title Posted Description Replies Latest Reply
TC105 Youtube videos on DEM in geotechnical engineering education 28/01/2023 19:13 In 2022, TC105 hosted a webinar series on DEM in geotechnical engineering education. Here ar… 0 N/A
Discrete Element Method (DEM) in geotechnical engineering education 20/01/2022 19:34 This Spring, TC105 Geomechanics from Micro to Macro is hosting a webinar series on Discrete Eleme… 0 N/A
A special issue "Emerging Trends in Discrete-based Modeling and Characterization of Geotechnics" 28/06/2021 18:57 A special issue "Emerging Trends in Discrete-based Modeling and Characterization of Geotechnics" which… 0 N/A
Looking for most recent developments in the micromechanical modelling of Jointed Rocks 15/11/2020 01:54 Hello everyone!   I'm looking for the most recent developments in analytical, numerical and experimen… 1 2020-11-15 05:10:37
Publications from Micro2MACRO2018 workshop 12/11/2020 07:19 Here are some publications related to TC105 Geomechanics from Micro and Macro led by Drs. Pasqual… 0 N/A
TC105 report "IAS Workshop on Emerging Scales in Granular Media” held in Hong Kong, 14-16 January 2020 09/11/2020 22:57 The “IAS Workshop on Emerging Scales in Granular Media” was successfully held at the Hong … 0 N/A
TC105 Micro-to-Macro Blog 27/10/2020 01:42 TC105 launched a blog that shows some research work done in the area of Micro-to-Macro Geomechanics.&n… 2 2020-10-27 05:02:13
TC105 DEM Round Robin Test 05/10/2019 22:40 Dear ISSMGE members, TC105 invites you to join the TC105 Round Robin exercise on DEM simulatio… 1 2019-10-06 10:23:27
Micro‐Macro Mechanics of Granular Geo‐materials - China‐Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (Aug 13‐16, 2018, Vienna, Austria) 14/11/2017 22:01 China‐Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (Aug 13‐16, 2018, Vienna, Austria) Special S… 0 N/A
Symposium "micro to MACRO mathematical modelling in soil mechanics 14/11/2017 21:55 Dear All An International Symposium "micro to MACRO mathematical modelling in soil mechanics"  will be … 0 N/A
From Cu+Phi(u) to Cu; stability analysis 13/04/2016 13:25 Dear all, I have been dealing with processes from Poland and I have a question that maybe the experience of some of y… 2 2016-04-13 21:17:38

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