Safety and Serviceability in Geotechnical Design (TC205)

Safety and Serviceability in Geotechnical Design (TC205)

Members 1222
Technical Committee

TC Chair: Richard Bathurst

Host Member Society: USA

Short name: Safety and Serviceability (TC205)


GeoWorld GroupSafety and Serviceability in Geotechnical Design (TC205)

Contact Information


Discussion Topic
Title Posted Description Replies Latest Reply
TC205 workshop held in Reykjavik, Iceland 01/05/2020 23:11 TC205 workshop was held on September 1, 2019 in Reykjavik, Iceland at the ECSMGE 2… 0 N/A
TC205 workshops - Call for Abstracts 08/11/2018 17:57  TC205 will hold TC workshops at these two conferences: XVI Panamerican… 0 N/A
Eurocode-7 Past, Present, and Future 06/02/2013 20:23 ISSMGE has posted on its website a recorded webinar by Andrew Bond on the topic "Eurocode-7 Past, Present, and Future" w… 0 N/A
Risk and Geotechnical Engineering 06/02/2013 20:21 ISSMGE has posted on its website a recorded webinar by Zenon Medina-Cetina and Marco Uzielli on the topic "Risk and Geot… 0 N/A

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