Stability of Natural Slopes (TC208)

Stability of Natural Slopes (TC208)

Members 2156
Technical Committee

TC Chair: Andy Take

Host Member Society: Canada

Short name: Slope Stability (TC208)

GeoWorld GroupStability of Natural Slopes (TC208)

Contact Information


Discussion Topic
Title Posted Description Replies Latest Reply
TC208 Workshop at ECSMGE 2019 09/08/2019 21:06 TC208 Workshop on global grand challenges for engineered slopes at ECSMGE 2019 A pre-conference wor… 0 N/A
Engineered and natural slopes - protection and stabilisation systems (RP1065) 03/01/2018 20:38 CIRIA are currently developing an events programme for 2018 with project sponsors Atkins, Maccaferri and BAM Ritchies. … 2 2018-01-04 15:31:06
Bridge scour depth prediction and levee topping erosion 06/02/2013 20:28 ISSMGE has posted on its website a recorded webinar by Jean-Louis Briaud on the topic "Bridge scour depth prediction and… 0 N/A

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