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I need your help with How can I analyse the foundation design of the MGR Rail. I am interested in Geotechnical knowledge. Also we have here a Car Park…
Please what is the effect of spreading sharp sand in a house foundation before pouring your concrete or before blinding ?
I am not a geotechnical engineer, but I have a question concerning the settlement of bay bud with several feet of fill on top, and a high water table.…
Please can someone assist me with GIS water project? It's for academic purposes
Hi, I am having difficulties modeling the seepage in an earth dam enhanced with a cut off wall using Plaxis 2D. The cut off wall is made …
Last answered
27/07/2021 00:31, updated:
09/09/2023 10:56
Ahmad Jazzar
I need a Geotechnical professional in the industry who can help me with an internship offer or opportunity either at site or laboratory level. Compens…
Test results showed the internal friction angle is different from zero. If anyone has a paper about triaxial test failure conditions in clay, cou…
Dear Respected member, How are…
I need different correlations of Permeability ''K'' with other Index properties & Engineering properties etc.
Join our free webinar on 11 May: http://tnodiana.com/DIANA-Intro-May-2016, we will give you an overview of the workflow and features in DIANA Fi…