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Please what is the effect of spreading sharp sand in a house foundation before pouring your concrete or before blinding ?
I am a student currently preparing a dissertation on the above topic. I was hoping to have some opinions from profesionals, or anyone who would like t…
Hi, We have a site near the coast with about 1m of sand on top of sandstone: Class V {c= 35 MPa, ϕ = 29 (1m to 2m deep) and C…
I need a Geotechnical professional in the industry who can help me with an internship offer or opportunity either at site or laboratory level. Compens…
-When are we to use Secant modulus and Tangent Modulus?-Please where can I get any help texts or papers on secant and tangent modulus?
I need different correlations of Permeability ''K'' with other Index properties & Engineering properties etc.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to submit papers for the GeoMEast2017 International Conference [http://www.ge…
Hi everyone,Just wanted to let you know that the Call for Proposals is open! Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 occurs every 6 years and is a combination of …
i have difficulties in the homework in a geotechnical course, can anyone help? The question is to prove the Coulomb coefficient of active lateral eart…
Last answered
28/05/2013 17:00, updated:
10/09/2023 08:34
Hi I am a distance degree geology student. I am going crazy with this assignment. Would someone PLEASE put these events in order so I can check myself…
14/02/2009 03:43, updated:
12/06/2013 12:43