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Evaluation of Groundnut Shell Ash (GSA) as a Sustainable Material for Soil Stabilization in Construction.How can this be done and what the proced…
20/11/2024 19:55, updated:
20/11/2024 20:00
Please ,My name is Elvis Jojo Kwaw a student of the Cape Coast Technical University for the Civil engineering department and I need a project topic to…
Please I need materials useable for research on geo statistical analysis of soil
Hello people, do you know any free software available for thermal load calculation of building?
Hi, my name is Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos and I am the site administrator for the Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Forum. I have …
Ok, this one might be a bit obvious but I have trouble understanding it. What is the exact purpose of PLAXIS interfaces and when do we have to use …
Dear All, Last month RPI geowall team which I am honored to supervise submitted our deisgn report for the geowall 2024 competition. after initially…
I have seen in various standards, the stress rate for UCS test of rock to be ranging from 0.5 to 1 MPa/s ? Can the test be done based on basis of stra…
Please what is the effect of spreading sharp sand in a house foundation before pouring your concrete or before blinding ?
Can you advise me about the different pressuremeter testing devices and their advantages and disadvantages???