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Please what is the effect of spreading sharp sand in a house foundation before pouring your concrete or before blinding ?
Hai,I have a few questions regarding deep excavation analysis with Plaxis. I am trying to explore CBP with 3 level of anchorage for 4 storey basement.…
I have worked in cantilever retaining wall design to EC7. I would like to know if coarse-grained ou other granular materials suffer a more a…
I need a Geotechnical professional in the industry who can help me with an internship offer or opportunity either at site or laboratory level. Compens…
Is there any case history regarding the full height panel wall
I am looking for a thesis Idea which is related to ground improvements or foundation engineering. Please suggest me some ideas ... thank you.…
i want know about monitoring in geotechnic and how can i start programing or use softwares to catch to this goal?
I need different correlations of Permeability ''K'' with other Index properties & Engineering properties etc.
Join our free webinar on 11 May: http://tnodiana.com/DIANA-Intro-May-2016, we will give you an overview of the workflow and features in DIANA Fi…
Dear all,I have been dealing with processes from Poland and most recently from Russia and I have a question that maybe the experience of some of you w…
Last answered
18/03/2016 20:02, updated:
10/09/2023 08:28
David Nash