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We have 2 week old soil sample sealed in plastic. Is it still suitable for dirrct shear test consolidated drained?
Last answered
30/08/2018 22:54, updated:
10/09/2023 07:40
Hi Guys, Regarding pile modelling in PLAXIS 3D v 8.5, (static Load Test) I am wondering if anybody can tell me how to separate between shaft resistanc…
Does the soil sample need to be fresh? What is the maximum number of days before soil sample is considered unsuitable for direct shear test?
Hi. I'm having trouble obtaining a trial version copy of SLIDE software. Are there any good alternative softwares. I need ir for back analysis of …
Last answered
05/08/2018 10:30, updated:
09/09/2023 10:58
Ian Clarke
We have just announced a couple of courses that will take place at our Offices in Delft, the Netherlands in October & November. Both are focused on dy…
(Area 1 and Area 2 are just ~500 meters apart) In designing slope protection structure, can I use results from back analysis of Area 1 to p…
Last answered
23/05/2018 00:36, updated:
10/09/2023 07:40
Patrizia Vitale
Dear Respected member, How are…
please tell me about the equation of rock wedge failure with subsaturated water condition and seismic loading?
Last answered
10/05/2018 20:30, updated:
10/09/2023 07:12
A P-Y based method for the load-deflection analysis of a single pile on the basis of the in-situ tests was devleopped in the dept. of Civ. Eng at the …
i want know about monitoring in geotechnic and how can i start programing or use softwares to catch to this goal?