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Can you advise me about the different pressuremeter testing devices and their advantages and disadvantages???
Please can someone assist me with GIS water project? It's for academic purposes
Dear colleagues I have encountered a problem in modeling a sand bed with a granular cushion on it in Plaxis 2D V20 using the unit cell approac…
I have a question on how to determine the coefficient of secondary compression and the intital volumetric strain rate as part of the input parame…
Hi, I am having difficulties modeling the seepage in an earth dam enhanced with a cut off wall using Plaxis 2D. The cut off wall is made …
Last answered
27/07/2021 00:31, updated:
09/09/2023 10:56
Ahmad Jazzar
Hai,I have a few questions regarding deep excavation analysis with Plaxis. I am trying to explore CBP with 3 level of anchorage for 4 storey basement.…
Hi I have a simulation performed by plaxis 2013, which collapses and it does not converge properly. I would appreciate it if someone could give me …
I am doing my project on PLAXIS in which I need to check the bearing capacity of soil with air packets and the suitable remidial measure. How can w…
What is the effect of providing INTERFACE while simulating a model in PLAXIS 3D, what are the significance of POSITIVE INTERFACE and NEGATIVE INTERFAC…
Dear GeoWorld community I want to create a 3D Finite Element model in PLAXIS3D based on a fairly detailed UAV mapping of a slope. To reduce the siz…