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06 Mar 2018
ISSMGE NEWS & INFORMATION CIRCULAR - MARCH 2018 | https://www.issmge.org/news/issmge-news-information-circular-march-2018
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Sibel Pamukcu news
15 Feb 2018
The information about this new book can be accesses from the following link: https://www.elsevier.com/books/underground-sensing/pamukcu/978-0-12-803139-1 This book is intend...
Read MoreGeoWorld invites you to participate in its Android app beta testing until May 31st 2018! Share with your friends and colleagues! https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.argo_e.geoworld
Become Tester
09 May 2018
Argo-E, is pleased to announce the development and launch of the new website for Shamsher Prakash Foundation. Click here to read more: https://goo.gl/mrFheh
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Geoengineer.org news
09 May 2018
Consecutive earthquakes rock Hawaii’s Big Island as Kilauea Volcano continues to erupt I Click here for more: https://goo.gl/cfze5x
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Dimitrios Zekkos news
19 Apr 2018
Iain Ferguson presenting his poster as part of the UROP Symposium on "Social Media-Based Assessment of the Impact of Natural Disasters on Infrastructure". Congrats Iain!
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GeoWorld news
19 Apr 2018
Very good business conditions for the next year are reported by GeoWorld members in France, Spain and Malaysia. Good business conditions are reported in...
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Humboldt Mfg. Co. news
20 Apr 2018
Humboldt’s HS-5001EZ Moisture/Density Gauge is easy to operate, easy to power and easy to service. The EZ gauge is designed to take the rigors of construction sites and is built to withst...
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Geopier Foundations news
24 Apr 2018
A shopping center in Guatemala required Geopier's GP3® system to improve soft to medium silts. The result is a reduction in the size of footings to about 30%-50% of their original dimen...
Read MoreJoin the 2018 Geotechnical Business Directory today, the most comprehensive business directory in geotechnical engineering, powered by GeoWorld!
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Lalita G Oka news
23 Feb 2018
As a part of Engineers week celebration, we had a Girls' day yesterday. This short video clip defines who women engineers are:
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Lucy Wu group
19 Mar 2018
The ISSMGE wants to hear from you! The YM Arena is regularly featured section in the ISSMGE Bulletin featuring work by and about younger members. Articles will be read by the international g...
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Marina Pantazidou ALBUM
23 Apr 2018
28 Mar 2018
Geosoft Pte Ltd introduces finite element method (FEM) for the analysis of geotechnical problems. We aim to bridge the gap between practice and theory of finite element method. Steady-s...
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Lucy Wu group
05 Apr 2018
The YMPG team is in the process of creating a scholarship database, so you can find out about awards that you may be eligible for. See what we have produced so far: https://docs.google.com/spreadsh...
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Geoengineer.org news
24 Apr 2018
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ISSMGE group
21 Mar 2018
Invitation for paper for the Sustainability Workshop at the 16th ARC in Taipei, Taiwan, 2019 The TC 307: Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering is inviting you at th...
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ISSMGE group
08 Mar 2018
The TC217 Workshop on Land Reclamation Technologies took place in the room Hall E3 at COEX North Tower on Sep. 21, 2017 at the occasion of the 19th International Conference on Soil M...
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13 Mar 2018
Taungthaman Inn Water Survey Project in Mandalay, Myanmar.
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Miguel Pacheco Andrade news
14 Feb 2018
We are looking for a Senior Geotechnical Engineer to strengthen our Geotechnical Design & Installation Team. We are looking for someone to take ownership of several complex tasks, to actively...
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Lucy Wu group
24 Apr 2018
To promote young members of ISSMGE to play a major role in various international and regional conferences, the President of ISSMGE – Professor Charles Ng created the Bright Spark award for promi...
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Geoengineer.org news
02 Mar 2018
Greece temporarily shut Corinth Canal for marine traffic on Monday, February 26, after intense storms and bad weather caused a rockfall in the area. The Corinth Canal cuts through the narrow Is...
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Franco Oboni news
20 Feb 2018
We published a Chapter in the book Geohazards Caused by Human Activity entitled The Long Shadow of Human‐Generated Geohazards: Risks and Crises. You can freely download the text from INTECH&nb...
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Gülin Yetginer news
14 Feb 2018
I received some fantastic news yesterday which I would like to share with everyone: Statoil will be recruiting four new geotechnical engineers over the next two years, so if you would like to join ou...
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ISSMGE group
22 Apr 2018
The TC304 Student Contest on Data Analytics Applied to TC304dB is going to be held at Harbin, China during August 17-18 2018. Click here to learn more. (Download the&nbs...
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Binod Tiwari group
15 Mar 2018
On behalf of the National Geo-challenge 2018 Directors , I would like to thank all students, faculty mentors, and audiences who actively participated the Geo-challenge 2018 events to make it a grand s...
Read Moreplease tell me about the equation of rock wedge failure with subsaturated water condition and seismic loading?
See Hoek's practical engineering Manual p. 116 and 117. https://www.rocscience.com/documents/hoek/corner/Practical-Rock-Engineering-Full-Text.pdf This is for the plane failure, but you would solve it for a wedge along the intersection plane using the apparent dip and strike.
Test results showed the internal friction angle is different from zero. If anyone has a paper about triaxial test failure conditions in clay, could share?
This could easily happen in a clay if the clay is not fully saturated. Remember phi is equal to zero because, the increment of pressure goes into pore pressure, but if you are not fully saturated this will not happen.
You should look at your clay properties to assess all relevant conditions such as permeability, gradation (is it pure clay or does it contain silt and/or sand) degree of consolidation (OCR), and as the previous responder noted, degree of saturation. If the test is run at a rate that permits drainage of excess pore pressures, you will see friction. If your sample is very dense and dilating under shear, you may also see a frictional behavior. You should also check your shear device to assure that there is no frictional contact between the upper and lower portions of the shear box and that the load is centered over the sample without contacting the shear box. Sometimes it's the little things that matter.
Anyone has case studies about laterally loaded barrettes ?
I need that for research please
Many Thanks.
Hi Mohamed,
I do not know if you're still searching for laterally loaded barrettes. If so, please let me know, I could be able to help.
hi mohamad ,
i have a paper about this and case study if you're still searching you can reply.
Thank you all for your kind replies
I have found a case study for laterally loaded barrette, but yes, if you can thankfully share what you have, i would be greatful.
A P-Y based method for the load-deflection analysis of a single pile on the basis of the in-situ tests was devleopped in the dept. of Civ. Eng at the University of Blida1. We would like to get some cas histories of lateral pile loading tests in order to validate the proposed method and assess its predictive capability. Could my colleagues provide me with such cas histories ?
i want know about monitoring in geotechnic and how can i start programing or use softwares to catch to this goal?
do i get any notes for forensic geotechnical engineering???
does any one possess this reference Liquid and Plastic Limits as Determined from the Fall Cone and Casagrande Methods (Wasti,Y) 1987 ( https://www.astm.org/DIGITAL_LIBRARY/JOURNALS/GEOTECH/PAGES/GTJ10135J.htm)
Hi Azaiez, I can send it to you using the messaging option of GeoWorld, as it is best not to share it publically (for copyright reasons). I sent you a contact request
Hi Dimitrios
Thank you for your kidness, i have just accepted the request.
We have a location where a Standard Penetration Test (SPT) has been done up to 22m below the ground level, and additional 8m coring in weathered rock, with "ZERO" Rock Quality Designation (RQD) values, when the Client ordered termination of boring.
How can we estimate the allowable bearing capacity of this rock? Is carrying out Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) test, the only possible method?
Many thanks in advance.
You may perform point load tests on the rock material and u can correlate it with Ucs value. The angle of repose can be consider in calculating allowable bearing capacity.The Angle of Repose because Rock Triaxial instruments are rarely available in the local industry. Further reading is recommended on intermediate Geo-Materials ”IGM
Bowles (fifth edition, p279) suggests that you can make calculation of the bearing capacity of the ground, according to the same equations that are derived for soil materials, when you have value of RQD<25. Make the best estimation of the parameters of the ground (fi and C), for the given stress state.
All the above recommendations are great. I would advise you to consider the rock formation as a cohesionless soil with 0 cohesion and fi above 35 degrees. You can improve the design by considering it to be an intermediate Geo-Material, as one of the respondents above has commented. You can solve this problem with the "ALLPILE" program, it has a special provision for this kind of material.
hi it is very difficalt to estimate the rock bearing capacity in UCS if its RQD value is zero hence the very important thing is that geotecnicall oberve the geological formation/orentation of the rock, discontiniuty, fault and other gaps of the area/pit/ and identify weather it is suitable or saviere then we can considers as soil or weatherd rock and calculate the bearing capacity using the adopted formmulas
The landfill has to be constructed on top of the following profile:
0) silty sand (10 m) underlain by
1) Fractured clay till (20 m) underlain by
2) Unfeatured lacustrine clay (40 m) underlain by
3) Coarse sand and gravel (30 m) underlain by
4) Bedrock
The groundwater is in the middle of the fine silty sand and in the middle of coarse sand (confined aquifer)
What is the most economical way to control lateral groundwater migration through the upper silty sand?
a) Eliminate the shallow groundwater in the vicinity of the site by using gravity dewatering
b) Increase the isolation to the groundwater by building up the grade on the site to the high elevation before beginning construction of the landfill
c) Use slurry walls around the perimeter of the site to isolate the landfill from the shallow groundwater
d) Install a leak-proof liner to isolate the waste material from the environment
Cut-off walls are a classic choice for somethign like this, but option (b) is likely to be more economic. It depends on the project requirements, and the risk level you are willing to take. However, the (d) is a necessity in either case.
28 Mar 2018
Geosoft Pte Ltd introduces finite element method (FEM) for the analysis of geotechnical problems. We aim to bridge the gap between practice and theory of finite element method. Steady-s...
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Swiss Geotechnical Association news
27 Mar 2018
Register now for the conference "Observational Methods in Geotechnics" in Yverdon-les-bains on 17th May 2018 under [email protected]. More information: www.geotechnik-schweiz.ch
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Philippe L Bourdeau news
28 Mar 2018
The Purdue Geotechnical Society is pleased to announce the 16th edition of the Purdue Geotechnical Workshop and the 16th G.A. Leonards Lecture will take place on Friday, April 27, 2018 on the Purdue U...
Read MoreField: Civil - Geotechnical
Location: North Carolina, United States
Fields: Civil - Geotechnical , Civil - Transportation
Location: Georgia, United States
Fields: Civil - Geotechnical , Civil - Hydraulic
Location: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Fields: Civil - Geotechnical , Civil - Construction
Location: North Dakota, United States
Fields: Civil - Geotechnical , Civil - Environmental
Location: Perth, Australia
Fields: Civil - Geotechnical , Construction - Field Technician, Laboratory Technician
Location: California, United States
Fields: Civil - Geotechnical , Civil - Environmental, Environmental - Environmental Engineering, Environmental - Environmental Science
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Fields: Civil - Geotechnical , Civil - Structural, Civil - Hydraulic
Location: New Jersey, United States