
Adding Discussion Topics

Group discussions can increase user engagement within your group. Every time someone in the group either creates or replies to a discussion topic, all group members who have chosen to receive group notifications will receive an email about this action.

How do I create a topic?

  1. While in the group's page, Click on "Discussions" tab
  2. Click on " Discussion Topic" button on the top right
  3. You will see a form. You can fill in the information you want.
  4. Once you are done click on "Post".
  5. That's it! Your discussion topic has been created and group members will be informed shortly!

Embedding Photos or Video


To add photos and embed them within your post:

  1. Within the editor panel, click on the photo button.
  2. A popup window will appear. Click on the "Upload" tab.
  3. Click on the choose file and find your photo. Once you are done, click on "Send it to the Server" button.
  4. Once the upload is complete you will be shown the "Image Info" tab where you can see a preview of your image and assign width, height, or alignment.
  5. Click on "OK". You will see the photo within the editor area.


To upload a video file, simply click on the file chooser and in the popup that will appear choose your video file before submitting the discussion topic form

To embed a Youtube video:

  1. Click on the youtube button.
  2. A popup window will appear. Paste the video URL from Youtube in the form and make sure the "make responsive" option is checked.
  3. Click on "OK" and the embedded video will appear within the editor.

Embedding Documents

To upload a document file, you will need to create a link pointing to this file:

  1. Within the editor panel, click on the link button.
  2. A popup window will appear. Click on the "Upload" tab.
  3. Click on the choose file and find your file. Once you are done, click on "Send it to the Server" button.
  4. Once the upload is complete you will be shown the "Link Info" tab where you can change the display text if you like. It is important not to change the URL field.
  5. Click on "OK". You will see the link to your file within the editor area.