Available Groups
By clicking on the Groups option of the navigation menu, you will be directed to the currently available groups page.
The same list is provided below more compact with a link foreach group for your convenience. The ISSMGE has established a group for each of its Technical Committees. You are welcome to join the committee of interest and receive news from them. The presently available groups are:
- Auburn University Geotechnical Alumni
- Berkeley Geoengineering Alumni Association
- Geomembrane Synthetic Liner Applications
- Iranian Geotechnical Engineers
- Purdue Geotechnical Society
- Reservoir Petrophysics
- Sakarya University Geotechnical Alumni
- Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering CEG
- Testing Alumni Group
- University of Michigan Geotechnical Group Alumni and Friends
- Corporate Associates Presidential Group (CAPG)
- Editorial Board of ISSMGE Bulletin
- Innovation and Development (IDC) Board-Level ISSMGE Committee
- International Network for Salt Affected Soils
- Professional Image Committee
- Under Ground Construction Challenges
- Young Member Presidential Group (YMPG)
- AGA_Geotech
- Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Committee
- Geotechnical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
- International Society of Environmental Geotechnology
- Iranian Geotechnical Society
- Nepal Geotechnical Society
- UTRGV Geo-Wall
- Geo-Challenge
- International Conference On Geotechnical Engineering Education 2020 (GEE2020)
- Iraqi Geotechnical Society
- T Andrew
- African Geo-Professionals
- Alabama Chapter of the Geo-Institute of ASCE
- Argentinian Society for Geotechnical Engineering
- Bamboo concrete
- Cephalonia 2014 Earthquake Sequence Information Hub
- Chamran University of Ahwaz
- Cone Penetration Testing (CPT)
- CPT Interpretation
- CPTU - The importance of Pore Pressure
- Data Interchange, Data Management and Technology
- Department of Geotechnical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
- Developing Engaging, Effective and Enlightening Practical Experiments in Geotechnical Engineering
- GBInSAR IBIS of radars
- Geo Plastic Fabrication
- GeoSS - Geotechnical Society of Singapore
- Geotech Lab Instruction Share (GLIS)
- Geotechnical & Structural Tagging (Hazards & Sustainability)
- Geotechnical Employment/ Recruitment/ Placement
- gINT User Group
- Indian Geotechnical Society
- International Network for Women Faculty in Geotechnical Engineering
- Iranian Geotechnical Experts
- IT Test Group
- La géotechnique au Québec - Geotechnics in Quebec
- Netherlands Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
- PP Fiber - Non Woven Geotextile
- Reinforcement geosynthetics experts
- Seismic Cone Penetration Testing (SCPT)
- Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society (SLGS)
- TERRE - Training Engineers and Researchers to Rethink geotechnical Engineering for a low carbon future
- Welding Geo-equipment for Membranes
- YMPG Liaisons
- Bio-geotechnics
- Connecting Women Faculty in Geotechnical Engineering
- Geohazards in Arid Countries
- Geomaterials
- GeoModeling 3D
- Geotechnical Engineering and Renewable Energy
- Geotechnical Engineering Companies
- International Network for Advances in Solid Waste Mechanics Research
- Istanbul Technical University
- KNUST Geogroup
- NSF NEESR: Seismic Response of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
- Producers of Geotechnical Equipments and Laboratorial Instruments
- Reliability-based Design in Geotechnical Engineering
- Worldwide Case Studies and Challenges for Geotechnical Engineering
- Geo-Challenge ASU team
- Geo-Institute Graduate Student Organization at the University of Michigan
- Geotechnics from PPGEC-UFRGS
- GeoWall At Berkeley
- MU GeoWall Team
- Rajshahi University of Engineering &Technology
- Coastal and River Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation (TC303)
- Dams And Embankments (TC210)
- Deep Foundations (TC212)
- Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Associated Problems (TC203)
- Energy Geotechnics (TC308)
- Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management (TC304)
- Environmental Geotechnics (TC215)
- Field Measurement in Geomechanics (TC220)
- Forensic Geotechnical Engineering (TC302)
- Foundation Engineering for Difficult Soft Soil Conditions (TC214)
- Frost Geotechnics (TC216)
- Geo-engineering Education (TC306)
- Geo-Institute Deep Foundations Committee
- Geo-Institute Geoenvironmental Technical Committee
- Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro (TC105)
- Geosynthetics
- Geotechnical Aspects of Dykes and Levees Shore Protection and Land Reclamation (TC201)
- Geotechnical BIM and Digital Twins (TC222)
- Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities and New Capitals (TC305)
- Geotechnics application in management of mine tailings dams
- Ground Improvement (TC211)
- Ground Property Characterization from In-Situ Tests (TC102)
- Hawaii Geotechnics
- Indian Engineering Geologist
- Interactive Geotechnical Design (TC206)
- Laboratory Stress Strength Testing of Geomaterials (TC101)
- Land Reclamation (TC217)
- Machine Learning and Big Data (TC309)
- Mining Geotechnique
- Near Surface Applied Geophysics
- Numerical Methods in Geomechanics (TC103)
- NZGS - NZ Geotechnical Society Inc.
- Offshore Geotechnics (TC209)
- Ottawa Geotechnical Group
- Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (TC104)
- Preservation of Historic Sites (TC301)
- RADAR Multi-Spectral EO HS Geomatics Monitoring and Asset Assurance
- Reinforced Fill Structures (TC218)
- Safety and Serviceability in Geotechnical Design (TC205)
- Scour and Erosion (TC213)
- Soil-Structure Interaction and Retaining Walls (TC207)
- Stability of Natural Slopes (TC208)
- Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering (TC 307)
- System Performance of Geotechnical Structures (TC219)
- Tailing and Mine Wastes (TC221)
- Transportation Geotechnics (TC202)
- Tropical Residual Soils (TC107)
- Underground Construction in Soft Ground (TC204)
- Unsaturated Soils
- Unsaturated Soils (TC106)