
Uploading Photos

With GeoWorld, you can create your own albums of photos, provide descriptions, add and comment on photos. More importantly, all these photos become part of a very large GeoWorld database that is available to all GeoWorld members. There are already 3763 photos available in 351 albums for everybody to view.

How do I create a new album?

  1. Log into GeoWorld and click on “Photos” located on the top navigation bar or alternatively go to your profile and click the “Albums” Tab.
  2. Click on on the right top corner and fill in the blanks:
    1. Write the title you want to ask, under “Title”;
    2. Write a description of what the album will contain, under “Description”;
    3. Add a tag on the “Tags” field to help others find your photos;
    4. Select who you want to be able to view your album in the “Select Who Can View Your Album” field.
  3. Click on “Add Photos” and select the photos you want to add.
  4. After selecting them, click on “Upload All”.
  5. Fill in the information for each photo in the ways described before (Title, Description).
  6. Click Create Album.
Your album is now added! You can see all your albums by clicking on the “Albums” tab in your Profile.


  1. You can add photos to your album, edit it or delete it at any time by selecting the album and clicking on the relevant buttons on upper right corner.
  2. View, download and comment on other members’ photo albums by clicking on “Albums” or Your contacts' profile “Album” tab.